Track your order
If you have placed an order with us and have your order reference and postcode to hand you can view the status of your delivery on our couriers websites, which you can access by completing your tracking details below.
We are not responsible for the content of external sites and apps. Please visit the Your DPD website for information and terms & conditions

As standard our couriers send a delivery estimated time of arrival on all mainland UK orders. For the majority of our deliveries we use FedEx who will provide a useful timeslot in which your order will be delivered on the day. You can choose to have this message sent by e-mail and direct to your mobile phone via text message by simply adding in your mobile phone number when choosing your address.
We also use Magnum for all of our pallet-based larger orders (usually 13 boxes or more) and Royal Mail for smaller orders. But unfortunately, we cannot offer timeslots for orders fulfilled by Magnum or Royal Mail.